Post American Revolution
Martin’s son, Joseph Martin Jr. did, in fact, come home after the war. One can only imagine the family’s reaction to having a long-lost son, given up for dead, return to his family. The West Bradford Tax List for 1780 lists Joseph Martin valued at a rate of £28. On the same list under “Freemen” is another Joseph Martin, listed at £20. The “Freeman,” which means a landless single man, is Joseph Martin, Jr.
In 1786, Abraham Marshall became the tavern keeper, and continued until 1800 and perhaps beyond. During that time, he started to see his investment pay off. As Marshall was planning to expand and improve the tavern to accommodate the increase in traffic and business after the war, an eruption took place between neighbors when Joseph Martin petitioned for a license for a new tavern on his property, what is now the Marshalton Inn. Abraham Marshall launched a counter-petition against Martin, and the tone of the document indicates a bitter, full-scale feud between neighbors and former business associates, with Marshall stating that “the endeavours of his neighbour must arise either from ill will, or a desire to encrease in the neighbourhood Allurements to Idleness & dissipation.”
The license was granted, and....
List of Tavern Keepers 1764 - 1800
1764-1767: Joseph Martin
1768: Tavern sold to William Clayton, “Formerly kept by Joseph Martin”
1769: Tavern sold back to Joseph Martin
1770-1775: Joseph Martin1776: Tavern sold to Abraham Marshall and rented to Robert Peoples
1777: No record due to War; possibly rented to Joseph Martin1778: rented to James Porter
1779: James Bruce [?]
1780: rented to Thomas Carpenter
1781: Unknown
1782-1783: rented to Thomas Carpenter
1786: Abraham Marshall, “Lately kept by Thomas Carpenter”
1787-1800: Abraham Marshall